
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Cloning - Well, Split My Embryo! :: Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Cloning Well, Split My Embryo Genetic engineering, fastener the inherited characteristics of an organism in apredetermined way, by introducing into it a piece of the genetic material ofanother organism.  Genetic engineering offers the look forward to of cures for m eachinherited diseases, once the problem of low efficiencies of effective transportationof genetic material is over receive. Another development has been the refinement of the technique called cloning,which produces whopping numbers of genetically identical individuals bytransplanting whole cadre nuclei.  With other techniques scientists can isolatesections of DNA representing single genes, determine their root word sequences,and reproduce them in the laboratory.  This offers the possibility of creatingentirely new genes with commercially or medically desirable properties. While the potential benefits of genetic engineering are considerable, so may bethe potential dangers.  For example, the introduction of cancer-causing genesinto a popular infectious organism, such as the influenza virus, could behazardous. We have come to believe that all human beings are equal but correct more than firmly,we are taught to believe each one of us is unique.  Is that conceit undercut bycloning? That is, if you can deliberately make any number of copies of anindividual, is each one special?  How special can clones feel, sagacious they werereplicated like smile buttons.  We arent just our genes, were a wholecollection of our passs, says Albert Jonsen.  however the idea, he adds,raises a host of issues, from the fantastic to the profound. When anesthesia was discovered in the 19th century, there was a speculation thatit would rob humans of the transforming experience of suffering.  When threedecades ago, James Watson and Francis Crick unraveled the genetic code, populardiscussion moody not to the new hope for vanquishing disease but to the spectero f genetically engineered races of supermen and worker drones.  Later, thearrival of organ transplants set people brooding or so a human of clankingFrankensteins, welded together made from used parts. already there are thousands of frozen embryos sitting in liquid newton storagearound the country.  Suppose somebody wanted to advertise cloned embryos byshowing pictures of already born children like a product, says Prof. RuthMacklin, of immature Yorks Albert Einstein College of medicine, who specializes inhuman reproduction. Splitting an embryo mat wait a great technological leap, but in a world whereembryos are already created in test tubes, its a baby step.  The newchallenge in reproductive medicine is not to produce more embryos but toidentify healthy ones and get them to grow in the womb.  apply genetic tests,doctors can now screen embryonic cells for hereditary diseases.

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