Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Hector Hugh Munro †Tea Analysis Essay
The text under analysis is written by Hector Hugh Munro, better known by the pen take in Saki, was a British writer, whose witty and sometimes macabre stories satirized Edwardian golf-club and culture. He is considered to be a master of the short reputation and is often comp ared to O. Henry and Dorothy Parker. In this story we learn ab off a young man crowd Cushat-Prinkly. He decides to marry and his relatives approve this idea. They find marriageable girl named Joan Sebastable. However, he marries an new(prenominal) girl, whose name is Rhoda Ellam. The text is written in 3rd some genius narration. There are both types of sentences simple and composite. Composite are apply to visualize that the story is well-nigh multitude from mettlesome society. And shorts are used when the main acknow directgments thoughts are described. The main character in this story is crowd together Cushat-Prinkly. He is described indirectly as we know what strain of person he is through his b ehavior and through his thoughts. He does things as a person of his society should do. So, he thinks that he should marry and he is not so interested in it.We tidy sum satisfy his point at it here James Cushat-Prinkly was a young man who had always had a settled conviction that one of these days he would marry up to the age of thirty-four he had outweare nothing to more(prenominal)(prenominal)overify that conviction. He equivalentd women notwithstanding without singling out. His lack of initiative shows us that he doesnt really indispensability to marry. His relatives really worry for this part His lack of initiative in this librate aroused a certain amount of impatience among the sentimentally-minded women-folk of his home travel. His mother, sisters and others are presented as a collective body that is not comfortable by this state. The informant calls Jamess delay dilatory access code which is a in truth(prenominal) subtle irony. Married state is one more intere sting thing. Munro calls marriage as married state utilize sound outiness to show that it was very delicate business for all of them. It is express that all his sisters and aunts regarded his approach with a disapproval that was far from being wordless.This is a litotes that creates an understatement. It identify them as people from high society thats why studious haggle are used. The following branch of the sentence His most innocent flirtations were watched with the straining eagerness proves us that plain his sisters were much more interested in his marriage. The author describes his sisters with the help of words walk-beseeching dog-eyes. He compares women with dogs who are very loyal and love their masters very much. With the help of metaphor Munrodisplays womens position in the society. Decent-souled is an surname that is employed to describe a noble person from high society. The author uses redundance again by calling James mortal. It creates the atmosphere of the h igh society again. The whole phrase pleading of several pairs of walk-beseeching dog-eyes is a peachy example of periphrasis. The pick of words shows social order and conviction of people of that time. Enamoured of some nice marriageable girl is one more periphrasis for marriage. This word is avoided through the whole story as the characters really hangdog to call it so. In this part of sentence When his Uncle Jules deceased person this life departed his life is an euphemism.The characters avoid even saying the word marriage so they dont pronounce such words like deceased or death. They avoid them too. Comfortable little legacy is an prenomen depicting us that he got sort of good heritage just they talk about it in a modest way. Discovering someone to piece of ground it with him it is one more periphrasis for marriage. Also here we see reason out of marriage if someone has money why not to marry? In the next sentence we come crossways morphological repetition The forge of find was carried to accentuate again avoiding the word marriage. We can telling that he plays passive role in this situation The process of discovery was carried on more by the force of suggestion and the weight of human beings opinion than by any initiative of his own. He just goes with the streams. The weight of public opinion which is a metonymy shows again that he hasnt got any initiative.A clear working majority is a periphrasis too that shows us that even he is grown up he still cant take the decisions. After the future wife for James was chosen, marriage is started to be called so to whom he might project marriage. It means that there are no excuses for avoiding it as the choice is already taken. James is really afraid of ordinary way of life. We can see it here the prescribed stages of congratulations, present-receiving, Norwegian or Mediterranean hotels, and ultimate domesticity. It is the chronological order for life stages and he doesnt like it at all. It was n ecessary however to ask the lady what she thought about the proceeds through irony the author shows us that the question of marriage for James was like some business and also it seemed to him to be the solved problem. soul effort which is a metonymy accentuate one more time on his lack of initiative. It says that now he has to dosomething. As the thing was press release to be done he was glad to feel that he was departure to get it settled and off his mind that afternoon. Again we come across periphrasis. Now thing means proposal.However, later he calls it by its name because submits it Proposing marriage, even to a nice girl like Joan, was a rather irksome business. He calls marriage and proposing it irksome business so he has some business-like strength to it. The usage of the word preliminary proves his attitude as it refers to the business semantic field. Also while he was termination to his future wife he thinks not about proposal He wondered what Minorca was really li ke as a place to stop in in his minds eye it was an island in perpetual half-mourning, with disastrous or white Minorca hens running all over it. It one more time shows that he is not interested in proposal at all. While he was thinking about that island His Mediterranean musings were interrupted by the sound of a clock striking the half-hour. His thoughts are called musings. The choice of bookish word is explained by his belonging to high society. We see the next very short sentence Half past four. It is a detachment, egg-shaped sentence to show that the time for proposal is coming. That moment he felt unhappy A frown of dissatisfaction settled on his face. It proves one more time how much he is not interested in that marriage.He imagines ho he would come to her place. Even now he doesnt imagine the girl he thinks about place He would fare at the Sebastable mansion just at the hour of afternoon tea leaf leaf. He compares her voice with sound of cups her voice would tinkle pl easantly. The word tinkle is used only when we are talking about things but not people. Here it is used to show that all this tea watching was senseless for James. He is mad because of that typical for such occasions questions like Is it one lump? I forgot. You do take milk, dont you? Would you like some more hot pissing, if its too laborious?The next paragraph opens with gradation Cushat-Prinkly had read of such things in gobs of novels, and hundreds of actual experiences had told him that they were true to life. It is kind of hopelessness. solemn afternoon hour which is agnomen makes the same effect. He calls question of women little.However, for him those questions are senseless. He would prefer women academic session on divan. Divan is Turkish borrowing. For him if is some kind of symbol of immunity from these ceremonies. Now, as he passed through a tangle of smallish streets that led indirectly to the elegant Mayfair terrace forwhich he was bound, a revulsion at the i dea of confronting Joan Sebastable at her tea-table seized on him. In this sentence we can see that he doesnt see distinct aim tangle of small streets. It is a metaphor. Also he thinks about place not about the woman whom he is going to meet there. We see it when he buckle under economic aid to it elegant Mayfair. The ceremony scares him so much a horror at the idea of confronting Joan Sebastable at her tea-table seized on him. The horror is metonymy here. However he got deliverance and he comes to Rhoda, to his remote cousin. He looks at her only from the business-like side.She doesnt ask him a lot of questions about his tea and he pays attention on that contrast between her and other women She made no other allusion to food, but talked amusingly and made her visitor talk amusingly too. The repetition of the word amusingly accentuate this contrast. Cushat-Prinkly found that he was enjoying an excellent tea without having to answer as many questions about it as a take care for Agriculture might be called on to reply to during an outbreak of cattle plague. He compares these questions with questions to a Minister. So simile here show that he doesnt want to answer them. Finally, he marries Rhoda. And we see that everything ends with tea ceremony again There was a pleasant tinkling lineage in her voice as she handed him a cup. You like it weaker than that, dont you? Shall I put some more hot water to it? No? Climax in this story can be notice in the part when his sisters accept his choice.The message of the story is in the intrust of James to lead another life not ordinary one. It makes us think about life itself, about the definition of happiness. It is some kind of image of happiness in society but the author makes us think that maybe we shouldnt be the same as other. The story made me smiling and sad at the same moment. Smiling as it finishes a little bit ironically. He finally gets right that situation that he was afraid of. However, it also makes me sad as I jump to think about things that are told to make us happy but actually dont. All the people are different and everyone have to find something suiting especially to him or to her.
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