
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Lee Tamahoris Once Were Warriors Essay -- Movie Film Essays Once Were

Lee Tamahoris at one time Were WarriorsFilmic technique plays a vital role in the course an auditory sense looks at a character or fraternity in a whole. Lee Tamahoris film Once were warriors uses filmic technique in the crafting of the characters, the roles they adopt and the society they know in. Filmic Technique helps to exhibit the Heke family as detain in society, with a barbarous cycle of alcohol, violence, male domination, unemployment and pointless parties. In order to try and secrete themselves from the vicious cycle or to just find peace and merriment each character has a way of escaping the harsh reality of the society they live in. The choice to escape is theirs, and the route they take can be looked at as either real or fantasy. The opening ginger nut of Once were warriors begins with an idyllic and placid landscape, stereotypical of the beautiful scenery of impertinent Zealand. It is presented as pure serenity it can be any(prenominal) place, any time. The p icture is frozen, pretty as a picture. There is no defilement or garbage to be seen. No signs of human life, and is free of totally the hustle and bustle of city. The music supports the idyllic image, with a serene and undisturbed tone in the flow of the music. The music benefits the picture, and helps the audience create a perfect moment in their mind. As the camera pans left, the audience is prey the sound of busy city life. The complete opposite to the image the audience had experienced just moments before. The soundtrack is vital, as it creates a direct image to contact the visual that the audience sees. The audience at this point must tell apart the difference between the two scenes and realise why it was used. The use of soundtrack and guardedly structured images creates an uneasy tension in... ... warriors. But unlike your Jake, they were people with munnah, feel people with spirit . If my spirit can survive living with you for cardinal years, then I can survive anyt hing. The use of filmic technique, at gracilitys funeral helps to convey the release of the Hekes entrapment. The use of soft tones and a sun setting sky creates a sense that they are at peace now. Jake and his influences no longer trap them. Throughout the film Once Were Warriors filmic technique is used to convey each member of the Heke family as trapped in one way or another. If not by their birth actions, resulting in their own downfall, then by their influencing society. Lee Tamahori takes full service of filmic technique to create a powerful and dramatic film. The film captures the audiences not just by looking at domestic violence, but the way it affect those it reflects on.

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